Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Government "Shut Down"

So, how many Democrats does it take to shut down the US Government?  Conversely, how many Republicans does it take to shut down the US Government?  The answer to both of these questions lies in whether or not Democrats are serious about keeping our country solvent and Republicans keeping a safety net for the poorest of the poor.  In either case, there are cuts that can do both, if the hyperbole would be put aside and both sides listen to the American People.

Democrats defend their position of no cuts in spending whatsoever on the ideological grounds of "it's all for the people" and the social justice behind the expenditures.  These Democrats are still fighting the good fight of the early 1900s, when robber barons ruled, work conditions were more dangerous than a battlefield in Europe, and corruption was the rule rather than the exception.  That good fight brought about legislation that protected workers, workers rights, child workers, limits on environmental impacts, and a safety net for our elderly.  These times also brought about social change that was sorely needed (Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965), but also attempted to bring about social justice programs whose purposes were to redistribute wealth in a more fair manner (Johnson's Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid, et al).  Great and worthy causes ... but at what price.

The politicians of that time never expected that our debt would be so large as to affect the foundations of the nation.  The paradigm of government spending leads to government borrowing to meet that spending which leads to wealth creation never materialized. The politicians of today that continue to advocate the government's central role in creating wealth through distribution of wealth are as misguided as their predecessors. The price of such folly is our national treasure.  That is to say, not the money that can be printed or destroyed, but the faith of our citizens in our government.  That is our national treasure and that is the cost of a Government "Shut Down."

Government leaders, beware!  There are consequences to elections, as our President so adeptly chastened the Republicans during the 111th Congress.  This election cycle about our national treasure - that faith we citizens have in our government.  If the current set of elected officials do not address our fiscal challenges in a meaningful way, in a manner that strengthens the economy, then there will be a cost, a consequence.  Let us hope that this current threat of Government "Shut Down" is enough to bring to the negotiation table those who understand what really is at risk: our National Treasure.

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